Monday, August 6, 2007

She is officially ours

Yesterday we went to the provincial office to complete our paperwork and get our adoption certificate. The office is in a new place since the last time we were here with Chloe - no more ratty elevator in the back of a convenience store by the river, it's in a new office building next to a big water fountain in downtown.

We talked to the auntie and doctor who came with the girls in from Qianjiang the day before (gotcha day), a 6 hour trip by bus, but unfortunately the orphanage Director was unable to make the trip. We had brought pictures of some of the nannies and the orphanage (which were about 18 months old), hoping that one of them might have had either Chloe's auntie or one of Lily's, but no luck. The doctor was working at the orphanage while Chloe was there, however. We also found out that Chloe's auntie, Lu Ping, isn't there anymore. We also sent a photo collage of Chloe we had brought with us back with the orphanage representative, Mr. Cheng, with our heartfelt thanks for taking care of both of our girls until we finally met them.

Putting my fingerprint on the paperwork.

Me and the auntie

Today is a free day - after lunch we're going shopping at the children's store, where the staff all wear blue denim overalls and red plaid shirts (nice!). Tomorrow it's off to the Chongqing zoo to see the panda bears.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful (and slim) daughter you have there ;) I am so happy for you both. Troy, THANK YOU for fixing that 'little' picture problem. I happily viewed Lily close up. Amanda, that was a really nice picture of the two of you. Please keep them coming.

Sandy said...

Lilly is quite a little charmer. What a blessing she is to all of you. She has no idea how lucky she is to be going to a loving family like yours. I will bring Great Gma and Gpa over to watch the youTube videos. They will be thrilled. Keep the pictures coming
Aunt Sandy and Uncle Ray

Anonymous said...

congratulations!!!!! I was so excited to see your gotcha day picture - I wrote to you immediately but of course it didn't go through-So lets try again with Donna's help.She is such a happy baby. I can't wait to meet her in person!!!! I waited all day for your call and how wonderful it was to see the youtube of her in her mommy's arms. I wanted to hear every detail, if you can squeeze in a call I'll love to hear from you-
as soon as you get back!! Have a safe flight back home-Hope Lily sleeps through the entire flight.
Congratulations again Troy and Amanda-she is a doll!!

michelle g said...

Congrats on the "She's all yours day". She is beautiful. I also took a look at the zoo. Ugh! Water is weird looking and I can't think of anything more fun than Lowry Park in August. Wayyyy to hot and humid for most humans. Good luck on your plane ride home.